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Lexus Car , Highlander , 7 Saet car , mini Van
My name is Dara a private car taxi driver in phnom penh , i arrange daily taxi driver from phnom penh to kampot , taxi from kampot to phnom penh specially transfer from phnom penh airport to kampot and phnom penh airport to kampot .. please check me
+ taxi from phnom penh to kampot , taxi phnom penh to kep
+ taxi phnom penh airport to kampot and taxi airport to kep
+ taxi phnom penh to siem reap , taxi phnom penh to sihanoukvile
+ taxi from phnom penh to koh kong province
+ taxi from phnom penh to kratie , phnom penh to kampong thom
+ taxi from phnom penh to battambang
+ taxi phnom penh to mondulkiri and ratanakiri province
+ please check the transfer with us
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